Ski with Neil Kids 10 & under ski for free! … [Read More...]
Ski with Neil Parker
As a ski instructor I have taught 34 seasons skiing & I'm certified by both
PSIA - Professional Ski Instructors America and
NZSIA - New Zealand Ski Instructors Alliance.
I have ski school and heli ski bookings available in June, July, September and October.
Mt Hutt has private lessons available. Request Neil Parker. Contact Neil
6 Hour Lesson (1-6 people) $949 || Three Hour Lesson (1-6 people) $589
PSIA - Professional Ski Instructors America and
NZSIA - New Zealand Ski Instructors Alliance.
I have ski school and heli ski bookings available in June, July, September and October.
Mt Hutt has private lessons available. Request Neil Parker. Contact Neil
6 Hour Lesson (1-6 people) $949 || Three Hour Lesson (1-6 people) $589
Your Instructor

Heliskiing Packages
Heliskiing packages at Mt Hutt and big … [Read More...]

Ski Bookings
I have ski lesson bookings available. Please … [Read More...]

Go to Mt Hutt & Where to Stay
Where's Mt Hutt? If you're overseas; fly to … [Read More...]

Kids & Family Skiing
Dress warmly in layers plus sunscreen! Kids who … [Read More...]

What to Bring
This list is what I personally recommend to take … [Read More...]
Get maximum improvement and individualised training
Taking a private lesson is like taking a session with a personal trainer. Neil works on your style, sorts out your trouble spots, boosts your skill levels and does wonders for your confidence! It’s all about you.?
Ski Info

Let Neil know when you are arriving at Mt Hutt or New Zealand. What are the preferred dates you would like to ski lessons? Can I … [Read More...]

Ski Training
Train Now Ski Later You will have more fun if you train first and ski later. Skiing is similar to cycling, rowing and swimming in … [Read More...]

Ski Photos
Margo enjoying some spring skiing at Mt Hutt Brandon, Connor and Finlay on their first ski trip at Mt Hutt. Neil and … [Read More...]